The Oscars are out for this year. Without throwing out any spoilers, I can vouch that the nominees racked your brains and harped your hearts, cementing their place as some of the best films ever made. However, this is about the ones which were closer to your stomach! Those that left you, not confused with fuzzy endings or numb with contemplation, but an uncontrollable gluttony to rush out and grab some good food. This is going to be a one-on-one contest. Chef: Imagine a big day at work - a client meeting or maybe an important presentation. You've been a great performer and want to nail this one. You're set with your masterpiece, your hard work…..your baby. Just as you're about to roll, boss walks in and bam! He quashes it. He wants you to do things his way, because that’s what we’ve always done around here. And you do, because he is the boss. Sounds familiar? Chef is the story of a talented head chef who walks out on his respectable, and const...
The Pursuit of Yummyness