I attended by my first Hyderabad Write Club meet at Lamakaan last Saturday. HWC is an offshoot of the Bangalore Write Club, and follows the concept of bringing together established and aspiring writers to hone their skills. Image from SoDelhi.com Late by an hour, I joined in just as the group was beginning their writing exercise. It was centred around the theme of human senses. After a brief, but insightful, conversation on the many human senses we take for granted everyday we were given the challenge of writing a short story around one of them. A fishpot was passed around with a bunch of chits. Each chit was inscribed with a line to help us get started. I picked one which read, “I saw the pots”. Almost instantaneously, a nightmare unfolded in my mind and I penned a story extempore. Here’s what I wrote. I saw the pots I drove past the ramparts of the Old Fort. Fondly called Purana Qila, Shergarh Fort or Sher Fort is said to predate Delhi's more famous Red fort i...
The Pursuit of Yummyness